Corona Virus Precautions

Dear Parents,
We have just received a notice from BSME (the British Schools of the Middle East Association) who had planned a regional sporting event for our younger students and their annual schools conference next week in Abu Dahbi that the two events are now cancelled. You may have heard that the UAE International Cycling event is also cancelled as 2 of the competitors have tested positive for Cononavirus. Unfortunately, BSME were planning their events in the same hotel. During the half term holiday, there have been many developments all over the world. Like you, we have been watching carefully and trying to make rational, measured decisions. So far:

  • The school will open as normal on Sunday.
  •  The school has been cleaned and disinfected most carefully during the vacation including all air-filters in air-conditioning. We’ll try very hard to keep it that way.
  • We will be reviewing all of our up-coming overseas trips. As and when we make decisions they will be based on WHO advice and common sense and whatever directives we receive from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.
  •  We will constantly emphasise to the children the need to wash hands, be careful if sneezing or coughing and teachers will immediately refer any child they are concerned about to the clinic which has isolation facilities. In school, this week and for the coming weeks, we will be regularly checking the children’s temperatures and especially any who have recently been abroad. The schools has well-resourced, large clinics in the main administration building and Sports Hall.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: If you think your child is unwell, has a temperature and flu symptoms, please keep them at home and contact your doctor AND LET US KNOW. As a school, children, parents, teachers and management, many of us together, have been through similar difficult times before and we managed and made the right decisions. We did it sensibly, and always worked in the best interest of the children. We’ll do it again.

With all best wishes,
Allison Fleet, Matt Topliss, Karim Rogers, Soumaya Amr, Colin Rogers.
Principals and Directors.

Tik Tok Tripping Prank WARNING

Dear Parents,

We are aware of various videos circulating via social media from students in schools around Egypt, including El Alsson, showing one or two students tripping another student causing the student to fall on his/her back/head or front/face.  You will appreciate our concern about this as a highly risky behavior.  Behaviors such as this, which sadly some students find to be funny, run a very high risk of causing serious injury to the student who falls including head, face and spinal injuries.

Our leadership and teachers have spoken to all students about the dangers of intentionally tripping their peers causing someone to fall. Please support us and the safety of all children by taking the time to speak to your child about the dangers of this activity and the importance of reporting anyone seen intentionally tripping other students to their teacher or school leadership.

Students have been cautioned that any student(s) to be found engaging in such activity on our school campus or in our school uniform will be dealt to the maximum of severity of our behavioral policies.

Kind Regards,

The El Alsson School Leadership


Road Closure and Detour Notice

Dear Parents,

Please be advised that from Friday February 14th,  road access to the El Alsson NEWGIZA campus from the main access road will be limited.

Please refer to the map below for the location of a planned road blockage as well as alternative routes to our campus gates for drop off/pick up:

  • Entry via NGSC: use the back access road across from Gate 4 (see Entry 1 on map)
  • Entry via Palm Hills Road/Wahat Road:

a. Enter via Albert Camus School Road  (see Entry 3 on map)
b. Enter via residential road (see Entry 2 on Map) parallel to normal Alsson access road.

  • Entry via NG Road/Andrea:

a. Take regular route, but turn unto the left (residential road) before our regular access road (see Entry 2 on map)

These road works are out of the hands of El Alsson School and New Giza, and should be completed by the end of our half-term holiday. We appreciate your cooperation and apologize for the inconvenience.
NB: The Gate 4 road will be used as a two way road so kindly avoid double parking.

الساده اولياء الامور

نوضح لسيادتكم ادناه افضل الطرق للوصول لمدرسه الالسن نيو جيزه فى خلال الاسبوعين القادمين ابتداء من الجمعه 14/2/2020 و ذلك بسبب اعمال تطوير الطريق المؤدى للمدرسه و اغلاقه بواسطه سلطات خارجيه . و نفيد سيادتكم ان هذا خارج عن ارادتنا و متوقع الانتهاء منه فى خلال اسبوعين ( احداهما سيكون عطله منتصف الفتره الدراسيه الثانيه ). برجاء التفضل بقبول اعتذارنا عن هذا الازعاج .

فيما يلى الطرق التى يمكن سلوكها :-

القادم من طريق نادى نيو جيزه  ، يستخدم الطريق مباشرة عبر المدق
( مدخل 1)

القادم من بالم هيلز، يمكنكم إما  الاستداره لليسار ثم الى اليمين  الذى يلي الطريق العادي المؤدي إلى المدرسة ( مدخل رقم 2) أو يمكنكم سلوك طريق البرت كامس ( مدخل رقم 3) .
القادم من أندريا ، يمكنكم اخذ الطريق المعتاد ثم يسارا قبل الشارع المؤدي إلى مدرسه الالسن ( مدخل رقم 2) .

و تفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام



Carols at the Four Seasons

Last month, on December 13th, our senior and secondary school choir were invited to sing Christmas Carols at the Four Seasons First Residence in Giza. It was a wonderful night where our students added the spirit to the beautifully decorated place and it was enjoyed by all. We look forward to more and more external events for our students. Thank you Four Seasons for the lovely hospitality.