El Alsson NEWGIZA 010 68811088 / 012 71155229 / 01001617746 / 01001617747
Month: October 2017
Cash Payments of School Fees NOW AVAILABLE @NEWGIZA
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that we now accept cash payments and credit card payments of school fees at El Alsson NEWGIZA.
This is in addition to the Bank payment options at QNB and CIB.
Thank you.
Varsity Football Tournament for Boys and Girls
On Friday 20th October our U19 boys and Girls Football teams took part in the first competition for their generation this year. Both teams played a good level of Football impressing everyone with their quality performance. Both teams were good ambassadors and maintained high level of sportsmanship. Well done to the boys team who won their tournament after winning the first three games and before playing the final game. Girls won the tournament winning all three games. Special well done to Laila Farid for her football quality and for scoring a world class goal. Another special well done to Youssef wally for saving few one to one attempts receiving only one goal, Abdel Rahman Issa and Omar fahmy for their outstanding effort during the day. El Alsson will always be proud of such talented group of Athletes. Thanks for Miss Inas for coaching the girls teams.
Last academic year we once more saw a significant number of students from Grades 11 and 12 participate in the Advanced Placement (AP) program. With the school offering a total of 11 courses, 43 students sat for 73 exams in May 2017. This was a 28% increase in the number of students taking AP courses when compared to the previous year. We now have AP courses offered in all core subjects as well as Art and Design and Computer Science which offered more diversity of subjects to our students.
The AP program provides students the opportunity to take university-level courses while in High School. Students who receive a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the CollegeBoard’s AP exams can receive advance university credit from thousands of colleges around the world. Consistent with our previous year’s results, our students continue to achieve strong results, with more students scoring above 3 than the average in Egypt and globally.
Of the subjects for which El Alsson students took exams, 60% of AP exams taken globally received a score of 3 or above and 71% of exams in Egypt received a score of 3 or above. As with every year of our AP program. El Alsson students topped both the Egyptian and global averages with 79% of our students receiving a score of 3 or above.
Congratulations to all our AP students on their excellent results. A special mention needs to be made to our AP Scholars below.
Students who achieved a score of 3 or above on three or more AP exams receive a CollegeBoard AP Scholar Award. The 2017 recipients are;
Ibrahim El Samawi (G11)
Ziad El Laithy (G12)
Leila El Sahhar (G11)
Mohamed Emara (G11)
Hussein Hamdy (G12)
Abdulrahman Issa (G11)
Aly Galal Mohamed (G12)
Students who have received a score of 3 or higher on four or more AP exams and an average school of at least 3.25 receive a CollegeBoard AP Scholar with Honor Award. The 2017 recipients are:
Noor El Alfi (G12)
Mostafa Gouda (G12)
Adham Marzouk (G12)
Well done to all our AP Scholars!
As with every year, our graduates are accepted into universities both in Egypt and around the world. See below the list of graduates and their college destinations in Fall 2017. The number of students accepted abroad continues to increase, as does the variety of majors they study.
AUC Campus Tour
Dear Parent/Guardian
AUC Campus Tour
We have arranged a day visit to the AUC campus. The visit will take place on Wednesday 8th November, leaving school at 8.15am and returning by 3pm. The cost of the visit will be 30LE per student. This cost covers transport to and from AUC.
The day will begin with a presentation about the academic programs, admission requirements, campus facilities, library, athletic complex and dormitories. This will then be followed by a question and answer session and then students will go on a guided campus tour.
Students will be accompanied by members of staff.
If you wish your child to take part in this visit, please return the reply slip, along with 30LE, to Ms. Nadia in the British Office by Tuesday 31st October 2017. Please note that this money is non-refundable, unless the trip is postponed by the school.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email jburnett@alsson.com.
Yours sincerely
Ms. Jennifer Burnett
Assistant Headteacher – Head of Sixth Form
Student’s Name……………………………………………………… Tutor Group …………………
I wish for my child to attend the AUC Campus Tour, on Monday 28th November. I enclose 30LE, which I understand is non-refundable.
Ski Trip Letter
Varsity Volleyball Tournament for Boys and Girls
Introducing Head Boy/Girl & Deputy Head Boy/Girl
After a rigorous application and voting process, the Sixth Form at El Alsson are proud and excited to announce that the Head Boy and Head Girl for 2017-2018 are:
Nader Zaker and Hana El Banany
Working alongside them will be our new Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl:
Youssef Aziz and Celine Takla
They will work closely with the school’s Student Council, as well as represent the student voice in meetings with the school’s Senior Leadership Team. Our heads and deputies will also represent El Alsson at major school functions both internally and externally throughout the year.
On behalf of the Sixth Form team, we wish them the very best of luck in an exciting year for El Alsson.
Ms Jen
Communicating with the school
Dear Parents,
With regards to our phone lines occasionally being down, please find below the email addresses of the American Elementary Office, British Primary Office, American Senior Office and British Senior Office in cases of emergencies or if you are failing to reach us on the school lines
Please note that these emails are checked regularly. If it is an URGENT matter, please put the word “URGENT” in the subject line.
Any requests for transportation changes need to be made before 1 pm please.
British Primary Office
Ms. Hala Hosny hhosny@alsson.com
American Elementary Office
Ms. Ola Omar oomar@alsson.com
British Senior Office
Mrs. Nadia Mikhail nmikhail@alsson.com
Mrs. Heba Haridy hharidy@alsson.com
American Senior Office
Ms. Mai Yassin myassin@alsson.com
Ms. Dina Omran domran@alsson.com
Thank you and apologies for any inconvenience
A message for G10 Students & Parents
G10 PSAT Exam will be on Wednesday October 11th in the morning.
Students need to bring 2 number 2 pencils (HB), a calculator, and know their email address. Below is the student guide as a digital copy.