AUC Campus Tour
Dear Parent/Guardian
AUC Campus Tour
We have arranged a day visit to the AUC campus. The visit will take place on Wednesday 8th November, leaving school at 8.15am and returning by 3pm. The cost of the visit will be 30LE per student. This cost covers transport to and from AUC.
The day will begin with a presentation about the academic programs, admission requirements, campus facilities, library, athletic complex and dormitories. This will then be followed by a question and answer session and then students will go on a guided campus tour.
Students will be accompanied by members of staff.
If you wish your child to take part in this visit, please return the reply slip, along with 30LE, to Ms. Nadia in the British Office by Tuesday 31st October 2017. Please note that this money is non-refundable, unless the trip is postponed by the school.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email
Yours sincerely
Ms. Jennifer Burnett
Assistant Headteacher – Head of Sixth Form
Student’s Name……………………………………………………… Tutor Group …………………
I wish for my child to attend the AUC Campus Tour, on Monday 28th November. I enclose 30LE, which I understand is non-refundable.