Month: April 2021
El Alsson NewGiza Signs with Belcash
We proudly announce signing a partnership with Belcash; the consumer finance arm for Beltone to facilitate and offer multiple Education loan products to El Alsson parents.
Parents can now choose the option to finance tuition fees (partially or fully) from 6 to 12 equal monthly installments with minimal documentation and instant approval.
One other product gives parents an option to finance their kids entire education period (eg: Elementary, Middle or Secondary) and pay over an extended period that can reach up to 60 months.
This comes in line with our strategy to help our parents ease the burden of education tuition fees. We are proud of this partnership and we hope it benefits our parents.
Al Sok El Arabiya Press Release
Ramadan Arrangements
Dear Parents,
After further consultation today in response to recent Ministry announcements, we can now confirm the arrangements that the school will be putting in place for the last three weeks of this term. We will now move to a mix of online and on campus learning for the remainder of this term and have outlined the details of this below. This mix of learning will see students learning for 2 days per week online and 3 days per week in school. This will apply to all year groups and grade levels, between PS-G9 and FS1-Y10. Students in G10-12/Y11-13 will have alternative arrangements for their learning which will be outlined in a separate communication to those grade/year groups.
We will be asking all year/grade groups to work online on the following days between now and the end of this term.
- Thursday 15th April
- Sunday 18th April
- Thursday 22nd April
Sunday 25th and Thursday 29th April remain as school holidays. On all other days for all year groups, students will be learning on campus. Examinations for Arabic studies (British and American schools) and for older students in the British School (Years 11, 12 and 13) will continue as planned on campus.
Students will continue to follow their usual schedules for the coming weeks, and your child’s divisional leadership will send a separate communication to confirm online learning details.
This is an opportunity for the school and our community to reduce the impact of Covid 19 on and within our community and to adhere to the guidance that has been communicated by the Ministry of Education.
We strongly urge all parents, students and staff to adhere to the following guidance during this brief online learning period and during the school holiday:
- Avoid social gatherings (parties, play-dates, training, social activities within clubs, extended family gatherings, etc.)
- Maintain social distancing and wear face masks at all times when outside your home
We thank the vast majority of students, parents and staff whose diligent attention to safety guidelines have helped to ensure our school has stayed safe up to this point. We are very proud of our response to Covid 19 this school year and will continue to work with parents and students to ensure that effective learning can take place in a safe environment on the school campus as much as is possible.
We are confident that this mix of online and on campus learning, combined with a diligent approach to health and safety by all of our community, will allow us to return to school after the Easter break and maintain on-campus learning for the remainder of this school year.
Kind Regards,
Colin Rogers, Soumaya Amr, Karim Rogers, Allison Fleet and Matt Topliss
School Directors and School Principals
Parent communication- 8th April 2021
Dear Parents,
We are monitoring the current announcements that are circulating regarding online or on campus learning throughout Ramadan and will update parents early next week, once the school has confirmed the arrangements for study during Ramadan.
We thank parents for their ongoing support, understanding and cooperation during these challenging times.
Kind Regards
Colin Rogers, Soumaya Amr, Karim Rogers, Allison Fleet and Matt Topliss
School Directors and School Principals
New Calendar 2021-2022 now posted
Dear Parents,
Please find below the term dates for next year. Please be aware that all public and religious holidays are subject to change and that the current dates for non-religious holidays fall on the designated date in this calendar but that these holidays may move to the Thursday or Sunday of the week that the holiday falls in as per recent guidance in Egypt.
Kind Regards
Colin Rogers, Soumaya Amr, Karim Rogers, Allison Fleet and Mr Matt Topliss
School Directors and Principals
August 29, 2021 Students back to School
October 6, 2021 Armed Forces Day
19 October. 2021 Prophet’s Birthday
24-28 October, 2021 Half Term Holiday
25 November, 2021 Thanksgiving
19 December to 6 January Christmas Break
17 January, 2022 Coptic Epiphany
25 January, 2022 25th of January Holiday
27 Feb.-3 March, 2022 Half Term Holiday
17 April, 2022 Western Eater/Coptic Palm Sunday
21 April, 2022 Maundry Thursday
24 April -5 May, 2022 Easter Break
21 June, 2022 Last Day for Students
23 June, 2022 Last Day for Staff