Y9 Fayoum Trip

On Thursday 19th April an excited group of Year 9 students headed off to Fayoum for a weekend of team and character building activities.

The students enjoyed being around each other in a creative environment where their bonds became stronger. They went hiking on the round mountain and most of them were able to conquer their fear of heights which was a real achievement for many of them.

Throughout the weekend students were directed by the excellent 360 Solution Team who made all of the activities fun and educational.

Well done Year 9 – we are proud of you!


Bullying Prevention Parents’ Workshop

Dear parents,

The Guidance, Counselling and Student Services Department is excited to announce our upcoming workshop for parents of the American School on Bullying Prevention on Saturday May 12th. The workshop will run from 9:00am-12:30pm. If your child has experienced bullying, has been accused of being a bully or has witnessed a bullying situation, this workshop is for you. We will break down the definition of bullying, what it is and what it is not. We will discuss the various types of bullying such as direct and indirect, physical, verbal, social and cyberbullying. You will learn about how you can best support your child as we discuss the importance of assertiveness skills, emotional regulation, and social and communication skills. Through an effective home-school collaboration we can create and maintain a non-bullying culture for our students and children both in and outside of school.

Please click on the link below to confirm your registration. Please make sure to arrive at 8:45 as we will start promptly at 9:00am.

We look forward to seeing you.


School-Wide Ramadan Initiative

Dear Parents,

We are always very impressed with the generosity and care that our families demonstrate during Ramadan. This is a tradition we would like to continue and develop further as we get ready for our first Ramadan in New Giza. As a school, we believe not only that charity and community service begins at home, but also that children benefit from giving of their time and efforts.

With Ramadan approaching, we invite students to make voluntary donations to support Alsson ElKheir this Ramadan. Funds collected will be used to support activities that students will participate in including:

  • packing and distributing whole-sale dry goods to create Ramadan bags to support our school-sponsored families, orphanages as well as support staff.
  • sponsoring an iftar for children in need who we support as a school community
  • providing additional material needs to local orphanages and families in need as we are able

Children of all ages, across the schools, will have the opportunity to work together to organize, pack and distribute items, while also learning the importance of teamwork and the spirit of giving. They will be guided and supported in this process through our Guidance and Student Services departments as well as leadership and teachers across the schools.

We are very excited about the opportunities we can provide this Ramadan for our students to learn the value of giving, not just of donations, but of their time and efforts.

Children are asked to make voluntary cash donations, all proceeds of which will go towards providing the materials to support our Ramadan community support activities. Children G6/Y7 and older can make donations via their Homeroom Advisor/Tutor or the relevant section offices. Our younger children will receive information about how to donate via their record books and class communication tools.

Any parent who wishes to discuss any further ways they can contribute to this cause is asked to contact one of the below for further information:

Middle and High School:                   Angie Shalaby (ashalaby@alsson.com)

Early Childhood/Elementary:           Nadine Arafa (narafa@alsson.com)

Early Years/KS2:                                  Samantha Cuthbert (scuthbert@alsson.com)

KS3, 4, 5:                                               Julie Clarke (jclarke@alsson.com)

We look forward to extending the spirit of giving to as many people in need as possible this Ramadan and are confident that with your support we will succeed in this goal.


Wishing you all a Ramadan Kareem.

El Alsson School


April Instalment Letter (2018-2019)

Dear Parents:

Welcome back to term 3, hope you and your family had a good Easter break. This letter is to inform you and kindly request your confirmation and payment for the re-enrollment installment for your child/children for next year. We kindly request that you send payment confirmation either physically or by an email to our finance department. Upon doing so, this will reserve your child/children’s place for next year.

Please note that the deadline for confirmation is May 15th 2018. After that date, we shall start offering available places to our wait-lists.

Furthermore, please find below schedule for next year fees payment dates:


Installment Due Date Deadline date
April (1st instalment) 1st April 2018 15th May 2018
August (2nd instalment) 1st August 2018 13th September 2018
October (3rd instalment) 1st October 2018 13th November 2018
December (4th instalment) 1st December 2018 14th January 2019


Kindly note that the we have switched the weights/redistributed the amounts of fees instalments, please do not interpret this as fee increases, this has nothing to do with increases, only redistribution. The full fees will be announced as and when Ministry of Education approve.


Appreciate your prompt action and if you have any inquiries please contact the Finance Department via phone or email.

The 1st instalment (re-enrollment) fee payment for all students is LE 23,000.00

If you wish your child to use the transportation service for the academic year 2018/2019,

The 1st instalment for transportation is LE 3,000.00 in order to confirm a bus place for the academic year 2018/2019.

Payments can be made in Cash, Credit Cards (Visa or Master card) or banker cheque.

You may also pay through any branch of CIB, QNB or Mashreq banks by asking the finance department for a fees form or by e-mail to: fees@alsson.com

Please make a note of the payment deadline dates.


Yours sincerely,


Diaa Seweify

Chief Finance Officer (C.F.O.)



السادة أولياء الأمور:

نُـرحب بعـودة سيـادتِكُــم في الترم الثـالث من العـام الدراسـي، نتمنـى أن تكـونوا قـد إستمتعتم وعـائلاتكــم بإجـازة عيــد شـم النسيـم، هـذا الخطــاب لتـأكيــد إستمــرار طفـلك/أطفـالك للعــام الدراسـي القــادم، بــرجــاء تأكيــد الدفـع إمــا بالحضــور لمقــر المــدرســة أو بالبـريد الإليكتــروني إلى إدارة الشـئون المــالية لحجـز مكــان في أقــرب وقـت وذلك قبـل أن نتطــرق لقـوائم الإنتظــار الخــاصة بنــا مع الأخـذ في الإعتبــار أن المـوعد النهـائي للتأكيــد هو 15 مايو 2018.

بالإضــافة إلى ذلك، يُرجى الاطلاع على الجدول أدناه لتواريخ سداد المصــروفـات المـدرسيــة 2018-2019:

الموعد النهــائي للســداد تـاريخ الإستحقــاق إسم القســط
15/05/2018 01/04/2018 أبريــل (القسط الأول)
13/09/2018 01/08/2018 أغسـطس (القسط الثـاني)
13/11/2018 01/10/2018 أكتــوبــر (القسط الثـالـث)
14/01/2019 01/12/2018 ديسمبــر (القسط الرابـع)

يُرجى ملاحظة أننا قُمنا بإعادة توزيع مبالغ أقساط المصـروفات المدرسيــة، ويُرجى عـدم إعتبــار الزيـادة في مبلغ القسط كزيـادة بالمصـروفات المدرسيــة إنمــا هـو إعادة للتوزيع وسوف يتم الإعلان عن المصـروفات المدرسيــة عند موافقة وإعتمــاد وزارة التربيــة والتعليــم،

نرجــو من سيــادتكـم ســرعة الســداد وإذا كان لديكُــم أية إستفسارات، يُرجى الاتصال بإدارة الشئون المالية بالمـدرســة عبر الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني.

وتبلُغ قيمة القسط الأول 23,000.00 جنيه مصري لجميع  الطـلبـة، في حالة رغبة سيادتكم في تسجيل إسم نجلكم/نجلتكم بإستخدام أوتوبيسات المدرسة للعام الدراسي 2018/2019  برجاء سداد رسوم حجز مكان لنجلكم/لنجلتكم مع القسط الأول وهى 3,000.00 جنيه.

يُمكنكم تسديد المصروفات نقداً أو ببطاقات الائتمان VISA , MASTERCARD) ( أو بشيكات مصرفية.

يُمكنكم أيضاً الدفع عن طريق الإيداع في أي فرع من فروع  بنك CIB أو بنك QNB أو بنك المشــرق بطلب نموذج إيداع من إدارة الشئون المالية أو عن طريق البريد الإليكتــروني: fees@alsson.com  

برجاء مراعاة السداد في الموعد المُحدد أعــلاه.

                        وتفضلوا سيادتكم بقبول فائق الاحترام،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،

                                                                               ضياء سويفى

                                                                        مدير عــام الشئــون الماليـــة