Primary and Elementary School Enrichment Activities
Dear Parents,
We are excited this term to pilot the inclusion of Enrichment Activities into the school day of our G1-5/Y2-6 students. Enrichment Activities replace After-School Activities and provide the opportunity for all children to try new things, develop interests and hobbies, and engage with peers.
We will run two 5-week Enrichment sessions this term. The first round begins on September 24th and runs for 5 weeks until the October half-term. The second 5 week round will begin on November 12th. Please do note that activities in sport and performing arts run cross-school (British and American). For more information on the Junior School Performing Arts activity, please refer to the recent mail out of the Performing Arts bulletin mailed out to parents.
We ask that you please complete a brief form with your child to select his/her preferences for the first round of Enrichment Activities. Please complete this form by Sunday 22nd September by 9:00am. We will make efforts to place your child in his/her first preference, however please do appreciate that some activities do have limited spaces. Spaces will be allocated on a first come basis, based on when you complete the form. If you have more than one child in G1-5 / Y2-6, please complete this form once for each child.
The link to the American School selection form is here: American School
The link to the British School selection form is here: British School
Please see activity descriptions below.
Kind Regards,
The Junior Schools Leadership Team