Performing Arts in the Primary / Elementary School

It is derived from many different aspects of the curriculum and also various extra- 1347183289curricular activities. Dance, drama and music are taught within the curriculum of the school, performing to an audience also being a curriculum objective.
The students who enjoy these aspects of the curriculum have the opportunity to expand on these areas through peripetetic music lessons during the school day or extra – curricular activities after school – dance, musicals, drama, African Drumming and all sorts!
Performances of instruments, singing, plays and musicals are produced during the year. We have various performance facilities to work with such as the music complex, the ‘little’ theatre and the ‘big’ theatre! We also have outside performance areas.
Performances range from little assemblies to show other students or parents what theme/s students have been learning in school, to annual class or year group concerts to larger plays or musicals. 1347183288 (2)
Recent larger – scale performances have included ‘The Gingerbread Girl’, ‘Dick Whittington & His Cat’, ‘Aladdin’, ‘Mary Poppins’, ‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘Robin Hood’.
Performance Arts helps students to gain confidence in their abilities, to learn to work together or alone depending on the type of performance, to learn and develop new skills, and allows them to celebrate a talent or skill that they really enjoy.


Performing Arts in the Senior / Middle and High School


Performing Arts at El Alsson is a growing faculty that provides exciting opportunities for students to participate in a wide range of creative, practical activities.
In the British School, every student has a one hour Drama lesson every week in our purpose built theatre and it is a popular GCSE choice at KS4. Drama is an integral part of the curriculum in the American School and is studied as part of a Drama and Literature course in G12. Students enjoy practical Drama lessons where learning is creative, fun and stimulating.
A variety of instruments are available to study at El Alsson including the violin, guitar, flute, piano, cello and clarinet. These are taught by professional musicians from the Cairo Opera House. Lessons are taught during the school day on a rotational basis so that students do not miss the same curriculum lesson every week. Arrangements can be made for break time or after school lessons for any students who does not wish to miss examination classes. 1347183288
There are various extra-curricular activities in the Performing Arts Faculty. Choir is held weekly in the theatre and all students are welcome to join. There is a music practise room available for students to use which is equipped with drums, amplifiers and a piano. This room is used by the many smaller school bands who wish to rehearse together.
Dance is an emerging discipline here and we are offer an extra-curricular dance club to students who wish to learn to dance or improve their skills. A variety of dance styles are covered to suit all tastes and abilities.
Throughout the year there are many performance opportunities that students can become involved in. The El Alsson Seasonal Celebration is held every December in the theatre and in the Easter Term GCSE students perform their examination pieces to an invited audience. The school Carnival has a specialist performance stage for students to sing, recite poetry, perform solos or play in a band.
This academic year sees the re introduction of the annual school production. In May 2013 the students will be performing the musical ‘Hairspray’ with a huge cast from the senior school. Open auditions are held to give every student the opportunity to participate.1347183288 (1)
The annual Theatre Trip is a popular choice with Performing Arts students. This year we will be visiting London during the Eid break to participate in practical workshops at the National Theatre as well as watching West End productions such as The Woman in Black at The Fortune Theatre.
The Performing Arts Faculty at El Alsson is vibrant and energetic, encouraging all students to develop their creative skills and talents whilst enjoying stimulating classes, activities and workshops.