Dear parents
Re: HIA MUN February conference
As part of our MUN program, we are planning to take part in the Hayah International Academy Model United Nations. This conference, which will take place on February 11-14, 2015, offers students an opportunity to attend a local MUN conference.
As part of this event, the students will be involved in various simulations of the United Nations councils, along with a social event on one evening during the weekend. Any conference schedule is hectic, but the experiences that students gain are worth the effort they put in.
The cost to attend this conference will be 1100 LE, which includes lunch every day, snacks, the social outing conference materials, and the badge fees. Hayat does provide some buses to and from pick up points at no extra cost to students, or alternatively, students can use their own transportation to and from the conference, which takes place at the Hayah campus in Katameya
There are limited spaces available and a number of students have shown interest. To confirm your son/daughter will be attending HIAMUN, please complete the slip below, and return it to me with 1100LE to school by Wednesday October 29. Please note that this payment of 1100LE is non-refundable, as it will be immediately paid to the conference organizers to confirm each student’s place.
Helen Somerville
(El Alsson MUN Director)
If you cannot view the permission slip below, please click here