Ramadan is finally here – by Mohamed Abdel Maksoud

Mohamed Abdel Maksoud – Year 3 “Ramadan is finally here”

El Alsson is proud to share a lovely song about Ramadan by the voice of our own Mohamed Abdel Maksoud in Y3. Him and his family managed to write the song, its music and video shoot it into a clip. A big shout out to Mohamed who made us all very proud.  It took them one month to accomplish this.

The Primary Elementary School heard it yesterday after morning assembly and it was fabulous.

Well Done Mohamed 🙂


Senior School Arabic Summer Reading

Please click on the below links to view and/or download the book

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Summer reading for current G6 and Y7 students

Summer reading for current G7 and Y8 students

Summer Reading for current G8 and Y9 students


To browse and download on Issuu, please click on links below

Summer reading for current G6 and Y7 students

Summer reading for current G7 and Y8 students

Summer Reading for current G8 and Y9 students


Early Years Charity Week 2017

The Early Years children had their annual Charity Week which was held during the week before the Easter holiday. The parents were asked to donate money and the teachers planned fun Easter themed activities for the children to do throughout the week. Some of the activities included making Easter cards and Easter bonnets, baking cakes and creating picture frames. The children in Year 2 made lemonade and sold it to the older children every day for a week during break times. They also collected 1LE coins and made a ‘Mile of Smiles’. The week ended with an Easter Egg Hunt and prizes of chocolate eggs were given to the children who found the most Easter eggs in the garden. The children from FS1, FS2, Year 1, Year 2 and Grade 1 were all involved in these activities throughout the week. The money raised was donated to the Wataneya Society for the development of Orphanages who support caregivers by providing proper training for them. This year the Early Years Department and Grade 1 raised enough money to pay for the training of four of these caregivers who will graduate next year. Asy Girah and Khalid Aziz from the Wataneya Society came into school to accept the cheque donation and were delighted to meet with the children and talked to them about the work of the Wataneya society. The children presented them with a photo album of pictures from charity Week and talked to them about the different Charity Week activities. The Wataneya Society is extremely grateful for our donation and presented us with a thank-you plaque which will be displayed in the school.

Tamara’s Work Experience

The school put together a 20-hour work experience program for the Year 12 students, with several options to choose from. I chose child-care, because I’ve always liked working with younger children and already have some experience working as a teacher’s assistant in a summer school. I spent three hours a week in an FS2 class, during their Self-Choosing Time (“stations” are set up on different tables, and the children can move around and choose what they’d like to do for that lesson)

-Tamara Moubarak


G10 Fayoum Trip

The tenth graders had a trip to Fayoum where they had the chance to contribute to a wonderful community service activity. They had the chance to paint fishing boats for underprivileged fishermen. Well Done Tenth Graders!
The te Fayoum trip has included wonderful community service; it was painting fishing boats for underprivileged fishermen.