Principals’ Letter 30.5.2020

Dear Parents,

We hope that you have enjoyed a restful Eid holiday.  As we return to learning on Sunday, we are keen to set out some general guidance for the end this school year and some early thoughts on how the start of the next academic year may look. Obviously, given the nature of the current situation, all of this is subject to change, but we feel it is important to inform parents of our thinking and planning at this time.

End of year arrangements

Students will continue with online learning until 18th June 2020 with many courses/age groups working toward final assessments and feedback in the next 3 weeks. More detailed plans and expectations are available to your child via his/her Google Classrooms or division communications.

Report cards for all students will be emailed to parents by the 25th June 2020 for those whose 2019-20 fees are up to date.

There will be division-based communications regarding return of textbooks and collection of any student items on campus. Please be sure to read these communications which will outline important safety precautions and procedures.

Grade 12/Year 13 students will soon take their Thanaweya Amma exams.  Students and parents of these groups will receive separate communications with further details.

All parts of the school have begun with transition activities to prepare students moving into the next school division.  These include assemblies and leaving celebrations conducted remotely and sharing of information to prepare students for their next school year.

Campus Opening / Access

The school campus remains open for necessary business from 8am-2pm daily. The school cashier offices are open during these hours.

All staff and visitors on campus must wear masks and observe strict social distancing measures at all times.  Further guidance is on signage around campus.  There are many sanitization points around campus and our housekeeping staff is taking additional precautions to ensure busier areas of the school meet sanitary expectations.

Next School Year

We are very pleased to report that our projected enrollment for next year is on target and our admissions office has worked hard through our closure to continue processing applicants.  We remain oversubscribed in a number of year groups across both schools, with growing waiting lists.  We urge parents to complete the April down payment process for 2020-2021 as has been outlined in previous letters from the fees department.  This continues to enable us to staff and resource the school in preparation for the new academic year.  We are very pleased with the staff recruitment that has been undertaken.

The current global situation is still uncertain, but we are preparing for three different opening scenarios:

  1. Face to face learning as normal with strict measures in place to ensure safety
  2. Hybrid/Blended model with a mix of face to face learning and remote learning
  3. Remote learning continues with special activities as part of the introduction to a new school year

The start of the new school year will follow government guidance and all safety protocols to maintain public health. We are also planning our transport strategy for the new school year that will need to take into account social distancing on buses and arrival and departure at the campus. This will all be informed by guidance from the local authorities which is still pending.

We plan to begin the new school year as scheduled on the 31st August 2020.

Our induction of new staff has already begun via remote means and all are looking forward to joining our school later in the summer. Our planning includes contingencies for any staff who may be unable to travel due to the current situation and we are taking all measures possible to ensure early safe arrival of both new and returning expatriate staff.

At this time, there is still much uncertainty.  The situation we find ourselves in is changing daily and we expect uncertainty to continue for the weeks ahead.  We monitor the situation closely and will continue to adhere to guidance and rulings from the local authorities and international good practice. We will continue to keep you informed of developments.

The strength of our collective response continues to be close working between parents, students and staff.  We thank you for your continued efforts and the role that you are playing in this process as parents.  This is greatly appreciated and a true testament of our school community.

Kind Regards,

Allison Fleet & Matt Topliss


MUN Online Edition for G9/Y10 Students

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to announce the participation of some of El Alsson students for the very first time in the 67 years of history and legacy at Harvard Model United Nations – A Special Online Edition of HMUN Dubai from the 11th-15th of June, 2020, co-hosted by Harvard University’s IRC and Worldview. (Available to students from Grade9 or Year 10) 
The conference is an initiative of Harvard University’s International Relation Council. With a history of over 75 years of excellence, the conference engages over 6000 students annually across its three conferences in the USA, China and India. In 2020.”

If Interested to take part in the conference, please contact Mrs Heba Hassan,

El Alsson Virtual Choir

Dear Parents,

The Music Department are planning on creating an El Alsson Virtual Choir, we will be singing ‘I See the Light’ from Disney’s Tangled. Click on the link to have a listen:

This is open to ALL students, parents and staff – all members of our El Alsson community.

The idea of the choir is to put together different videos of our school community singing one song!

This form is to let us know if you would be willing to take part and/or if you give permission for your child to take part as their picture/video will be part of the final ‘performance’.

Parents should fill the form out for their child.

If there are more that one ‘performer’ per household (e.g parent and student) please fill in ONE FORM PER PERFORMER.

Here is the link for the Google Form to complete if you are interested in taking part:

In one weeks’ time we will collate responses and send out the individual parts and How to record with video instructions.

Kind regards

Phillip Bailey

Director of Performing Arts

Head of Teaching and Learning British Secondary School

Upcoming Eid Holiday Principals’ Letter

Dear Parents,

We would like to confirm that the upcoming Eid Holiday will run between and include Sunday 24th May until Thursday 28th May.  As usual, these days will be taken as holiday and teachers will not be delivering the normal online learning schedule.  Online Learning will resume on Sunday 31st May at 9am, following the same schedules, timings and expectations that we currently have in place. This will be a Week A. We will also be communicating updated Thanaweya Amma examinations information to Year 13 and Grade 12 students once this is made available to us. In the American School, May 27th and 28th are the last formal days of school for G11/12 students, thus some deadlines set for those days cannot change.  G11/12 students will receive a separate communication about this later today.

We wish you a very happy Eid holiday.

Kind Regards,

Allison Fleet and Matt Topliss

School Principals


April Payment Reminder

Dear Parents,
First of all, thank you to everyone who has supported the school and made the April payment. It seems that the new Payfort facility, allowing credit card payments on-line or instalments, has proved to be popular and more than 60% of parents are now using this system.
This is a gentle reminder that the April down-payment and student reservation for next year is due by May 24th. As promised, we will keep you informed of all developments.
If you have not paid April, please give the matter your attention. For enquiries please contact us at
Thank you.
El Alsson Finance Department.

ASK El Alsson Counselors

Dear Parents,

We have uploaded a new form on El Alsson Health and Happiness Webpage titled “Ask El Alsson Counselors”. The purpose of this form is to answer any inquiries in regards to your child’s social and emotional wellbeing, college and career inquiries and/or behavior issues

The relevant counselor will reply to your inquiry within 3 working days via email.

This is open to all grade and year levels in both American and British Schools.

**Please note that any information on this form is strictly confidential**

Here is the link to the form:

Health and Happiness website: