Welcome to the New PSA 2015-2016
We would like to congratulate our new members of the Parent School Association (PSA) for the academic year 2015-2016. Please take a moment to find out which representative is responsible for the section your child is in, as well as her/his email address in case you want to reach out to her/him. PSA 2015-2016 Representatives:
Ms. Nahla Samaha & Ms. Nadine Beshr Kenawy co-representing Early Years
FS_PSA@alsson.com, and Y1Y2_PSA@alsson.com
Ms. Fatemah Farag representing Key Stage 2 – KS2_PSA@alsson.com
Ms. Eman Hany representing Key Stage 3 – KS3_PSA@alsson.com
Ms. Amira Shereif representing Elementary School – ES_PSA@alsson.com
Mr. Mohamed Madih representing Middle School – MS_PSA@alsson.com
Ms. Amira Nour representing High School – HS_PSA@alsson.com
KS4/5 : No representative
If you are a parent with students in Key Stage 4/5 (Y10-Y13) and are interested to join our PSA 2015-2016, please complete an online application on https://alsson.com/parent/psa