The FastForward Winners
The American High School students participated in the FastForward Simulation again this year. Fast Forward is the first career simulation conference in the Middle East for high school students.
What they do is, they let students try out careers, for real…
If a student wants to join med school for example, they won’t be lectured about it, instead, they will operate on a corpse with real surgical equipment in a real operation room replica, under the supervision of a certified doctor.
Available simulations were:
Medicine, Pharmacy, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Photography, Business, Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Software Engineering, Mass Communication, & Political Science
It was a great experience for our students especially the ones who attended the business simulation as they had to compete with different teams to come up with a business idea (application) and get as many investors as possible for their application.
NourelDin Mahgoub and Malak AboulEnein (G9) were part of the winning team for the Business Simulation, the team won 3000 LE where each student ended up with 500 LE in their hands. The winning team got many investors, therefore they won first place with the highest amount of votes.
Congratulations and Well Done!