Egyptian Wildlife
Last week Tia Radwan and her mother noticed these Fennec Desert Foxes for sale in a pet shop close to school.
It is illegal to sell any wild animals in Egypt especially ones native to the country.
Thankfully, by the end of the day and with the help of Dina Zulfikar and Environmental agencies the foxes had been confiscated. Arrangements were made for their release into an EEAA protected area but according to law they first had to be taken to Giza Zoo the only Government recognised rescue centre in Egypt. Here they would be checked by vets before their release.
Sadly, Giza Zoo are now refusing to release them even though the protected areas are ready and waiting to receive them.
Pressure on the management of Giza Zoo is the only hope to secure the release of the foxes. If you would like to help please email the following people:
Fatma Tammam Central Zoos and Wildlife Director;
GM of Wildlife Cites Egypt;
Chairperson of GOVS, supervising central zoos,
The above emails are also useful if you have any concerns about the illegal trade in wild animals. Please contact them if you see anything untoward.
Thank you for your support,
Miss Julie Clarke