Out of School Gatherings
Dear Parents,
The school has made an excellent start to the school year last week and this has been based on students, staff and parents following the guidelines that have been set out. We thank parents, students and staff for the collective responsibility that has been shown to enable our school to reopen this week and now operate at full capacity. Continued support by all members of our community will ensure that learning can continue in a safe and healthy way.
It is also important for us as a school to remind parents of the need to exercise diligence and caution when considering whether their children should attend any unsupervised social gatherings, particularly during the current global pandemic. It is essential that all young people follow the guidance that has been set out about social gatherings and the need to be aware of the potential disruption to their lives if a suspected case of Covid-19 occurs within their friendship circles or school year groups.
If a child exhibits any symptoms we are asking parents to inform the school immediately and the school doctor will then be in contact. The child should remain at home and follow the guidance from the school doctor.
Kind Regards,
Allison Fleet and Matt Topliss