Year 8 History and French trip to France, April 2016
Dear Parents,
As part of this year 8 History and French curricula, we are planning a trip to Paris and Marseille from April 23rd to 30th 2016. This trip relates directly to both your son/daughter’s current and/or future History and French courses, and will offer numerous opportunities for the students to experience first-hand French culture; using French in real life and a wide range of French Revolution historical sites. More details will be provided prior to travel.
We anticipate that the cost of the trip will be13500 L.E. This includes flights, transportation, guided tours, accommodation and meals (except lunch) and entry fees but not the cost for a Shengen Visa. Please note, this price is based on 30 students participating, and may change slightly if there are fewer students.
To secure your son/daughter’s place on the trip, please fill in the slip below, and return it to Mr Hamadi along with a 250 Euros and 2000 LE deposit by Thursday 17 September. This deposit is non-refundable and obliges the student to pay in full for all costs incurred.
Places on the trip are limited to 30 students and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, however the school reserves the right to refuse students who are underachieving or whose behaviour, punctuality, attendance are not up to standard.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail
Yours sincerely,
Hamadi Hasni
Head of French