Fast Forward Simulation Seminar 2015 (HS Only)
Dear Parents,
As a part of our High School requirements related to Career planning, we have arranged for all High School students to take part in the upcoming FastForward Conference in 6th October. FastForward is a seasonal conference/simulation, which enables high-school students to take part in hands-on activities that simulate real life experiences within their chosen career. This will provide them with an authentic experience and skills to bridge the gap between what they learn and the market needs.
The conference will be during the weekend 9th and 10th of October, and will be held at Nile University in 6th of October from 9am to 7pm daily. Students can choose to register for simulations on both days or for one day only. Each track will teach students the soft skills associated with each profession.
The cost of ONE track is 75 LE per person and includes admission to the conference and various activities during the day. Food is not included in the cost, but there will be venues where students can buy their own snacks and lunch. Over the weekend, a student can take part up to four tracks or choose to register for selected tracks per day. The cost for transportation if needed is an additional 50LE per day. The school will provide buses from various pick up points around the city according to demand. The conference begins at 9am each day and will finish at 7pm.
Students can choose from the following tracks:
Friday tracks:
- Medicine or Civil Engineering
- Pharmacy or Mechanical Engineering
Saturday tracks:
- Business or Architectural Engineering
- Arts or Software Engineering
Buses will leave from meeting points by 8:00am and leave Nile University to return to the same meeting point at 7:00pm. Students coming by their own car must meet at Nile University no later than 8:45am. Students must bring enough money to cover food and refreshments or bring their own lunch and water.
To secure a place, complete the Application Form and return it with the correct fees to Mr. Mostafa Hammad by Monday, September 21st. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school or via email
Yours sincerely,
Mostafa Hammad
Work Experience Coordinator