British School Parent Workshops
Dear Parents,
Over the course of the remainder of this school year the British School at El Alsson will be
running a series of workshops, hosted by the Principal and members of the Senior and Middle
Leadership Teams, to further update parents on key areas of school life and key areas of
practice within the school. These workshops will serve to support parents in their understanding
of the way the school works and how best to support their children in their learning,
development and progression at El Alsson. Our workshops will span a wide range of year
groups and are designed to update parents on long and short term planning and activities for
their children and the school. Each workshop will be hosted online via Zoom by the Principal
and a panel of senior or middle leaders. The workshop will contain an update from the panel
and then the opportunity for parents to ask any questions that they may have. Each workshop is
scheduled for 60 minutes.
The list of workshops and the targeted year groups can be found below. We ask that parents
sign up via the google form link for each session that they wish to attend. Once registration is
confirmed a link to the session will be sent out from our admin team. Each workshop will be
recorded and made available to those parents who have registered, in case parents are unable
to join the workshop as it happens live. These workshops are designed to give parents
additional information to the regular updates that the school provides on the day to day running
of the school, the progress of their child and other important information.
The last twelve months has been a very challenging time for our community and we hope that
these workshops will give staff and parents the chance to reconnect on key areas of school life
and the plans the school has going forward. We hope as many parents as possible can join us
for these workshops either live or via recordings that will be sent to parents who register.
Please complete the registration form at the link below and please remember to check which
year groups each workshop is designed for.
Parent Workshop Registration form
Finally, I would like to thank parents for their continued support through the challenging
circumstances that we are all still facing. We hope to see as many parents as possible in the
various workshops as we continue to build the partnership between home and school.
Kind Regards
Mr Matt Topliss