April 2, 2017

American Elementary G4 and G5 Science Fairs

Last week was the fourth and fifth graders Science Fairs. What amazing projects & presentations they all had!
Super job both G5 & G5! We’re very proud of you!
This year, the fourth graders rose up to the challenge of applying the new science standards NGSS to their Science Fair projects.Each group designed and created their own special toy made out of recycled materials. Their models and prototypes were amazing. They were also given a S.T. E. M challenge at the end of their Science Fair. They were challenged to build the “tallest” free-standing tower made out of very few materials. It wasn’t easy, but it certainly was very exciting and enjoyable for students, teachers, as well as parents.

What amazing projects & presentations! Super job G5! We’re very proud of you!

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