Instrumental Lessons @El Alsson FAQs

Email Contacts

Music Secretary   Ola Omar

Performing Arts and Music Coordinator


Q   I do not have an instrument but I am interested in seeing if I would like to play.

A   Come and talk to David Eyres, (Performing and Music Coordinator) in the secondary school. It is a good way to discuss. Ola can also explain everything.


Q How much are lessons?

A 400LE For 4 Lessons. That is 4 lessons each month. Once you have agreed to take the lessons you are committed to take them and the fees cannot be refunded.

When months are shorter, e.g. after Eid break, you are charged a proportionate rate – 300LE for 3 Weeks.


Q  How do I pay?

A  Miss Ola In primary Reception. Money can be paid directly to her and she will arrange your lessons.


Q  What if I want to change to a different instrument?

A  That is no problem providing your teacher has been given due notice and we can find somebody to teach the instrument that you do want to play.


Q  How many lessons do I need?

A  Music is not like a driving test. It is one of the most exciting things that you will do and you will continue to do for the rest of your life. Your learning has no end and you decide when you have had enough lessons. Obviously, the more you work and the more you learn the better to you will be.  You choose.


Q  What happens if I am ill and cannot make my lesson?

A  Your teacher has been booked. He or she has prepared for your lesson, driven in and taken time off from doing other work. You still have to pay for his or her time.  Occasionally, at the discretion of the teacher, it may be possible to reschedule a lesson.


Q   What will happen if my teacher is ill?

A   At the beginning of the day you will be informed. Go to your normal lessons and your teacher will make up for the missed lesson at another time.


Q   Can I play electric guitar?

A   YES!!!!!!!


Q   Is there any instrument I cannot play?

A   In principle any instrument is possible, but we will have to find a suitable teacher and this can be a problem at times. For example, we have not come across anybody who teaches Irish bagpipes – but then we do not know anybody that wants to play that. More common instruments such as Saxophone, Oud, Harmonica, or Tuba might be easier. We will endeavour to find an appropriate instructor.


Q   When can I start?

A   Most lessons will start in the first week of October. If you have chosen an instrument for which we do not currently have a teacher, we will contact you as soon as we find one. Lessons can start once the teacher is ready.


Q   Which lessons do I miss?

A   You will be given a timetable, which guarantees that you will not miss more than one lesson per subject each half term. If you have any free periods or wish to have a lesson in the lunch break we will try and fit you in there.


Q   How much time should I practice at home?

A   Doing no practices will mean that each lesson is a bit like starting again. This is boring for you and for the teacher. The more you practice the quicker you will progress and the music will get progressively more interesting and exciting. Technically, the bare minimum is 15 minutes a day.


Q   Do I have to learn how to read music first?

A   No. Your teacher will decide on a suitable strategy for learning to read music.


Q   I only want to play rock. Is that all right?

A   Yes.


Q   I do not have an instrument. Can I borrow one?

A   You are expected to provide your own instruments for the lessons. These can be bought from any music shop.  We are at present negotiating with a trusted music shop to arrange for hire from them directly. The school does have some guitars that can be borrowed for free providing you put new strings on them. There is a deposit of 150LE required and this can be fully refunded when the instrument is returned in a suitable condition.


Q   What do I have to bring to my lessons?

A   Your instrument is essential. Everything else depends upon what your teacher requires.


Q   What happens if I didn’t enjoy my lessons and I would like to stop?

A   You must give 2 weeks notice.


Q   Can I learn more than one instrument?

A   If you have the time, that is fine, but any additional lessons must be done in lunch times or after school.


Q   What is the best instrument for me to learn?

A   You choose. You will improve much better playing something that excites you and allows you to develop passion.


Q   I have had one lesson, but now I have changed my mind.

A   Your payment for the lessons is nonrefundable. You must give two weeks notice to stop. It is recommended, however, that you attend all your allocated sessions.


Instrumental Lessons at El Alsson


This year we are expanding music in both the senior and primary school and giving a big boost to help students learn musical instruments. We have a new music and drama teacher in the senior school, a new music room, new music practise rooms and a teacher coordinator of performing arts and music for the whole school. We already have excellent part-time teachers offering violin, cello, guitar, singing, piano, drums and bass guitar.


There are, of course, many more exciting, different and important instruments that people want to play and we would love to expand the instruments offered at school. If you want to play anything else, we will try to find a teacher. Just let us know.


We are, at present, negotiating with a local music shop to hire musical instruments with the idea that students could try an instrument for a while to see if they like it (much less costly for parents). We will keep you updated on this. In the meantime we have guitars available at school that can be borrowed for LE150 per term with the deposit refundable.


Lesson details.


•          Cost: LE100 for a 40 minute individual lesson.

•          Payment: LE500 in advance each half term.

•          Lessons are timetabled so no class subject is missed more than once per half term.

(When you book we will send you a FAQ sheet)


If you wish to start learning an instrument please complete the form below and email to


Kind Regards,




David Eyres


Performing Arts and Music Coordinator


El Alsson British and American School


Extension: 308.



Fast Forward Simulation Seminar 2015 (HS Only)

Dear Parents,

As a part of our High School requirements related to Career planning, we have arranged for all High School students to take part in the upcoming FastForward Conference in 6th October. FastForward is a seasonal conference/simulation, which enables high-school students to take part in hands-on activities that simulate real life experiences within their chosen career. This will provide them with an authentic experience and skills to bridge the gap between what they learn and the market needs.

The conference will be during the weekend 9th and 10th of October, and will be held at Nile University in 6th of October from 9am to 7pm daily. Students can choose to register for simulations on both days or for one day only. Each track will teach students the soft skills associated with each profession.

The cost of ONE track is 75 LE per person and includes admission to the conference and various activities during the day. Food is not included in the cost, but there will be venues where students can buy their own snacks and lunch. Over the weekend, a student can take part up to four tracks or choose to register for selected tracks per day. The cost for transportation if needed is an additional 50LE per day. The school will provide buses from various pick up points around the city according to demand. The conference begins at 9am each day and will finish at 7pm.

Students can choose from the following tracks:

Friday tracks:

  • Medicine or Civil Engineering
  • Pharmacy or Mechanical Engineering

Saturday tracks:

  • Business or Architectural Engineering
  • Arts or Software Engineering

Buses will leave from meeting points by 8:00am and leave Nile University to return to the same meeting point at 7:00pm. Students coming by their own car must meet at Nile University no later than 8:45am. Students must bring enough money to cover food and refreshments or bring their own lunch and water.

To secure a place, complete the Application Form and return it with the correct fees to Mr. Mostafa Hammad by Monday, September 21st. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school or via email


Yours sincerely,

Mostafa Hammad

Work Experience Coordinator

SAT and College preparation courses

Top Choice Admissions is an admissions consulting and standardized test preparation company based in Cairo. They are offering classes to our students to prepare for the upcoming December SAT I or  consultations to work on college admission to universities abroad. Please read the attached letters and schedule of lessons (for SAT I). Interested students should either contact the TCA office directly or fill in a registration letter at the American office. Classes for SAT I will be held in various locations around the city, including on the school campus and start on Saturday September 19. You must register and pay prior to this date to attend.


Dear Students and Parents,
It is with great excitement that we write to announce the availability of a new SAT preparation program for all 11th and 12th grade El Alsson students. Top Choice Admissions (TCA), in partnership with El Alsson, will be offering an SAT course targeting the December SAT exam both on campus at the school, as well as at locations around Cairo (6th of October, Zamalek and New Cairo).
Top Choice Admissions is an admissions consulting and standardized test preparation firm founded in 2012 by graduates of Harvard, MIT and the London School of Economics. Our test preparation courses have helped more than 1,000 students succeed on the SAT in Egypt over the last 3 years with top achievers approaching scores of 2300. This past spring alone our students went on to attend more than 60 internationally leading universities including Harvard, Yale, McGill and Oxford. On Sunday, September 6th, we delivered a presentation at El Alsson to all 11th and 12th graders during which we provided an in-depth analysis of the changes being made to the test as well as specific skills students need to master for success on the test.
This semester will be students’ final opportunity to sit the SAT in its current format. The courses we will be delivering will prepare students for the December exam using tried-and-tested methods and proprietary curricula. Our tutors are all graduates of leading American universities whom have scored in the top 5thpercentile of test takers worldwide (please see our course outline for more information about the course structure and curriculum).
The SAT course will run for 36 hours primarily meeting twice weekly and ending just before the December 5th exam. To ensure academic compatibility and targeted instruction, students will be assigned to separate verbal and math groups based on their scores on the diagnostic exam. TCA’s curriculum development team has produced three different curricula with ascending levels of difficulty. Students will spend 20 hours on the Verbal sections of the test and 16 hours on the Math section. In addition, students will receive a total of 16 hours of diagnostic testing (2 mandatory and 2 optional tests). Finally, the course enrollment deadline will be Sunday, September 29th, with classes starting on Saturday, October 3rd. Please find attached the preliminary course schedules for courses taking place on-campus at El Alsson, as well as in Zamalek, 6th of October and New Cairo.
The full fee for the 36-hour course, including instruction, testing and materials is 3,000 L.E. To register, please fill out a course registration form, available at Ms. Helen Somerville’s office. For questions, please call us at 01014682218. We look forward to helping you achieve your target SAT score!

Click on each of the below files for more details

TCA Afterschool SAT Course Outline

Fall (36hr)_Oct-Nov_El-Alsson

Fall (38hr)_Oct-Nov_El-Alsson_5th Set

Fall (36hr)BC_Oct-Nov_El-Alsson_October

Fall (36hr)_Oct-Nov_El-Alsson_Zamalek



Year 8 History and French trip to France, April 2016

Dear Parents,

As part of this year 8 History and French curricula, we are planning a trip to Paris and Marseille from April 23rd to 30th 2016. This trip relates directly to both your son/daughter’s current and/or future History and French courses, and will offer numerous opportunities for the students to experience first-hand French culture; using French in real life and a wide range of French Revolution historical sites. More details will be provided prior to travel.

We anticipate that the cost of the trip will be13500 L.E. This includes flights, transportation, guided tours, accommodation and meals (except lunch) and entry fees but not the cost for a Shengen Visa. Please note, this price is based on 30 students participating, and may change slightly if there are fewer students.

To secure your son/daughter’s place on the trip, please fill in the slip below, and return it to Mr Hamadi along with a 250 Euros and 2000 LE deposit by Thursday 17 September. This deposit is non-refundable and obliges the student to pay in full for all costs incurred.

Places on the trip are limited to 30 students and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, however the school reserves the right to refuse students who are underachieving or whose behaviour, punctuality, attendance are not up to standard.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail

Yours sincerely,

Hamadi Hasni

Head of French

2015 GCSE Outstanding Achievements

2015 GCSE Outstanding Achievements

83% of our students achieved 5+ A-C grades including English and Maths. The UK average for 2014 was 53.4% (this figure is not likely to change significantly this year and is currently not available). These results place El Alsson with the top performing schools in the UK and internally in terms of IGCSE/GCSE performance. 36% of our students achieved 5+ A*/A grades, again well above national UK averages.

A special well done to our highest performers who all attained 7 A* grades each: Ahmed Abdel Fadil, AbdelRahman Raouf, Zeina Bashnfr, Nada Abdelhalim and AbdelRahman Hegazy.

This is a very pleasing set of results which reflects both the hard work of our pupils and the support they have received from staff and parents throughout their time at the school.

2015 A Level Outstanding Achievements

Our A Level students also performed exceptionally well and have gained places at prestigious universities. There were 32 A*/A grades achieved by our Year 13 students.

Special congratulations to Hussein El Ghazaly who achieved A* in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Arabic.

University destinations and courses of our graduates of 2015

Dentistry, Moscow State University Russia
Medicine Cairo University Egypt
Civil Engineering University of Southampton UK
Mathematical Computation UCL UK
Genetics University of Edinburgh UK
Anthropology  University College Amsterdam Holland
Mechanical Engineering Germany
Medicine Imperial College  UK
GUC/AUC  Egypt
Civil Engineering University of Illinois USA
Aerospace Engineering  Brunel University UK
Accounting & Finance  University of Brighton UK
Art & Design Loughborough University UK
English & American Literature University of Kent UK
Geography & Sociology Oxford Brookes University  UK
Architectural Engineering University of Nottingham  UK
Art & Design National College of Art and Design Ireland
American University of Paris France
Chemical Engineering UCL UK
Business Management Belgium
Psychology Erasmus University Rotterdam Holland
Mathematics & Physics  University of Surrey  UK
Government & Politics  Birmingham University  UK
Aerospace Engineering Queensland University of Technology Australia
Aerospace Engineering  University of Sheffield UK